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The following posts on Model Kits Ships were published in the nina category.

ZHL Nina 1492 scale 150 L 550mm 21.6 inch wooden model ship kit Yuanqing

The real name of the Nina was Santa Clara. The name Nina was probably a pun on the name of her owner, Juan Niño of Moguer. She was a standard caravel-type vessel. The Niña was by far Columbus’s favorite. She was originally lateen sail rigged caravela latina, but she was re-rigged as caravela redonda at […]

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ZHL Nina 1492 scale 150 L 550mm 21.6 inch wooden model ship kit Yuanqing

She was a standard caravel-type vessel. The Niña was by far Columbus’s favorite. The Peter von Danzig of the Hanseatic League was built in 1462 and was 51 m (167.3 ft) long.

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